Brawl Stars Wiki

NOTE: This may NOT be the finalised version due to the possibility of unpredictable balance changes, however i know many of you enjoyed these posts so I'll still post it and I'll edit it if there's any major balance changes. It will be considered as officially finalised in November[]

Shelly Pin-Sad

51. Shelly (-3)[]

Even with her new Clay Pigeons being actually decent, Shelly is still the worst brawler in the game. Shelly’s kit being a starter brawler just isn’t suited for the meta, with pathetic damage at a distance, no real way on approaching and that means she’s going to lose every interaction until she gets her super. Even though Shell Shock + Clay Pigeons is a deadly combo, it’s not enough as once she run out of all the gadgets, she’ll be useless. No real need to go further even though I will say she’s considerably better before the Clay Pigeons rework

Penny Pin-Sad

50. Penny (-16)[]

It just feels like none of the previous buffs Penny received is working, as the glitch with her mortar was fixed, Penny’s viability has been non existent. She is absolutely horrendous in 1v1 interactions with very bad damage output and reload speed, as well as she takes forever to charge up her super. Even if she does get her turret, Brock and Sprout are such a force to be reckoned and they can effortlessly destroy her turret. Aside from that Penny’s projectiles are slow and she doesn’t have the range of a sharpshooter, and other turret brawlers aren’t really viable so she can’t utilise her splash damage. Penny is pretty much useless, and she has been useless for a while now. I was actually very tempted to put Penny as the absolute worst brawler, and that shows that she needs a huge buff or even a rework.

Gale Pin-Sad

49. Gale (-10)[]

Much like Shelly and Penny, Gale has been unviable for more than a year now. I placed him a bit higher last ranking because I thought his new gadget could change things up, but in reality it didn’t help improve his viability. Gale is lacking in every single way: he doesn’t have the best survivability, he doesn’t deal a lot of damage, he doesn’t have enough range and he has 2 mediocre gadgets. Being lacking in every single area is what made Gale so bad right now, he loses to pretty much every single interactions other than tanks, and he just can’t offer any utility for his team. That said, Gale does have a really good Star Power being Freezing Snow, but Gale needs much more love than that.

Carl Pin-Angry

48. Carl (-26)[]

Carl is one of the most underwhelming brawlers right now, and it’s not because of his range anymore. What made Carl so bad right now is that he’s absolutely horrendous at dealing damage. Carl has one of the worst DPS in the game if he is not close to walls, his projectile speed is painfully slow even with Power Throw, and each hit only does 924 damage, considering this meta is filled with assassins, the painfully slow pick axe leaves him far too vulnerable to deal enough damage to overcome the assassins despite his high HP. Additionally Carl has one of the worst supers in the game, while it’s supposed to be deadly, there are way too much knockbacks and stuns to interrupt his super, rendering it only useful for escaping. I feel like Carl would be much better if he can actually deal damage, as Flying Hook is still one of the best gadgets in the game, allowing him to escape or assassinate brawlers. Either his pick axe should hit MUCH harder or it should go much faster. Then I could see Carl being very strong. But yeah Carl is either at the top or the bottom of the meta, last ranking I place him around the middle because the meta doesn’t completely exposed his detrimental flaws yet. But now, Carl is terrible.

Lou Pin-Angry

47. Lou (-15)[]

Lou is rarely ever used in the competitive meta, even in Hot Zone and Siege, as the meta shifted, there are better brawlers which serves his purpose, even though his super is kinda game breaking for those 2 modes, it just isn’t needed anymore because Belle’s mechanics just makes it so that it’s unnecessary. This is mainly because Lou is also very underwhelming in terms of damage as his shots are too hard to land consistently. So he just can’t really keep up with the pressure against the assassins even with his stun. I just think this meta doesn’t suit Lou well but he could use more love, mainly his main attack being too hard to land consistently.


46. Mr. P (-1)[]

Mr. P has been laying low since his massive nerf which is well deserved. I think he has a very solid kit overall as his porters are very annoying, but again Mr. P is just underwhelming, as he has low survivability and low damage output, and that’s not suited for an assassin meta. Brawlers can just walk up to him and ignore his porters, especially now that the porters from his Porter Reinforcements Gadget can be 1 shot. Again I feel like Mr. P’s base stats needs some noticeable buffs, but not his porters, because previous Mr. P metas are amongst the most toxic. I feel like his kit is meant for the meta to be toxic due to how annoying his porters are, but I don’t think it’ll be that much worse if we only touch the base stats.

Bo Pin-Angry

45. Bo (+2)[]

Bo is a bit better, but he’s still lackluster in comparison to the majority of the cast due to his lack of utility. His mines can block of choke points but they take too long to explode. Thanks to his buff however, Bo can deal insane amount of damage where he can melt through many low HP brawlers at a decent range. Still, Bo still is not the best. He doesn’t have a good gadget and he is a map specific brawler where he can work wonders in bushy maps, but outside of that Brock is a much better option. Recently however, there was a glitch involving Bo's Underworld and Horus skin having an unintended radius buff which actually made Bo very strong at a short period when using those skins. Who knows? Maybe that's the buff Bo actually needed (Albeit not to the same extent)

Squeak Pin-Angry

44. Squeak (+5)[]

I think Squeak is 1 buff away from being a real threat. Even though Squeak is still ranked very low, he’s undeniably much better than he was last time. The previous buffs address most of his most detrimental flaws, with his projectile speed being much faster and that his super is actually pretty solid, especially now it pairs incredibly well with his Super Sticky Star Power. He also has a considerably better burst if he can land shots consistently as hit previous shots explode immediately if another one of his shots hit the same target. Problem is Squeak’s reload speed, he’s going to really struggle on dealing damage once he uses all his ammo as not only it makes his main attack unreliable, but also impairs his shots that explode immediately due to him having no burst damage potential once he used all his ammo. That's why i still had Squeak as one of the worst brawlers in the game. But he's not unusable like last time, If Squeak gets a reload speed buff, he could become very strong.

Colette Pin-Angry

43. Colette (-24)[]

When you think about it, Colette’s mechanics really doesn’t suit well in this meta at all.  Not being able to 3 tap the commonly seen sharpshooters is absolutely terrible as Colette does not have the range to deal with them at all and she has to completely rely on her gadget and super for kill confirms. Colette really is only meant to counter tanks as she takes less shots to destroy tanks than general brawlers but more shots against lower HP brawlers. Even in Heist, Colette isn’t very popular anymore as Brock, Rico and Belle’s dominance as well as the maps not favouring her makes it hard for her to consistently find value and she is pretty much useless elsewhere due to how unreliable she is. Even though she does take less shots to take out Buzz and Ash than many other brawlers, their own mechanics actually let’s them counter Colette rather than the other way around. If you really think about it, Colette really is quite bad, i would never use Colette considering brawlers like Emz is so much better than her, but I feel like it’s mainly the meta that turn against her, considering she has maintained a decently high placement in my previous rankings.

Jessie Pin-Angry

42. Jessie (-5)[]

Personally, I think Jessie is garbage, I would’ve placed her in the bottom 5. But I do understand that many people would vouch for her and I can see why. In the maps where she’s good at, Jessie can really dominate with her turret thanks to her Spark Plug gadget and her Energise Star Power keeping her turret alive for very long, his makes Jessie really good at controlling in maps like Parallel Plays, in fact her turret can really shut down some of the deadliest combos in the game. But outside of that Jessie just don’t really have much place because without her turret she’s far too vulnerable. She doesn’t have the greatest DPS, she’s squishy and Brock is too prominent in the meta and he destroys Jessie’s turret even with energise. Thanks to too many unnecessary HP nerfs, Jessie right now is too easy to be taken out. I think a buff for her is that Jessie could take less shots to get her turret, that way i think she'll be much better

Dynamike Pin-Phew

41. Dynamike (+3)[]

Dynamike has been slowly rising up in the meta because he’s an excellent counter against Barley and even Sprout due to his shots being so powerful as inconsistent as it is, and his Demolition Star Power and Satchel Charge Gadget is a guaranteed kill confirm if Dynamike lands his shots, but he still has a lot of Problems, being his attacks are hard to land consistently, and that makes him notoriously vulnerable against assassins. That’s why He’s mainly used as a counterpick, as in a lot of matchups he just gets destroyed but sometimes a skill Dynamike can dominate the game, and other throwers are still much better than him. That’s why I had him as the highest ranked low tier brawler.

Nita Pin-Phew

40. Nita (-9)[]

Nita has been rarely used in the competitive meta, and it’s not that she’s truly bad or anything, but like there are many brawlers that tend to do a better job than her. Nita’s lack of range is a liability as it makes it hard for her to land shots without wall peaking and hard for her to get her bear, especially because it does require 6 shots which is a lot. Her bear may be frustrating to take down but even still she’s too vulnerable against ranged brawlers like Brock and Belle and she doesn’t have the DPS to take out anyone quickly despite her quick reload speed. Nita is only used in Brawl Ball and Heist because her bear can offer a lot of pressure, but the fact that she’s overshadowed by Ash elsewhere really hinders her viability overall.

El Primo Pin-Phew

39. El Primo (-35)[]

Even though it’s nice to see El Primo finally having a chance to shine, he really was too strong last meta, and as we expected he was nerfed hard and that really makes him mediocre again. He’s not as bad as he was before he got the trait for sure, but the fact that he now requires 16 shots to get his super is a massive deal as Primo can no longer chain his supers, which makes him so dominant before, and in the process Primo will feed enemy supers more often. El Primo was definitely nerfed way too hard if I’m being honest, but even still I think he’s somewhat underrated in the sense that he’s actually an OK counterpick in some situations where his main attack are more consistent than other tanks as well as his super still being solid even though it’s much harder to get. Regardless, it’s not surprising that Primo has the biggest drop between rankings, going down from the 4th best brawler to 39th, with some arguing he should be ranked even lower.

Rosa Pin-Phew

38. Rosa (-12)[]

Rosa really is only used in grassy maps where she can shift the tides with her Unfriendly Bushes Gadget. Because of the fact that Rosa has not received the tank trait, her viability has been steadily decreasing overtime, as she doesn’t really have many ways to approach reliably and she just isn’t that threatening in comparison to other tanks. Her shield is very strong tho, where she can just ignore enemy fire, but overall Rosa has not been the best she’s been, mostly due to her very lacklustre approach. I feel like Rosa is probably balanced overall, but she could use a buff. She can’t have the tank trait tho or else she will be just as broken as she was on her release.

Darryl Pin-Phew

37. Darryl (+6)[]

Darryl is slowly getting back in line with the other tanks thanks to his HP Buff, it really makes it much easier for him to win more interaction the fact that Darryl now has more HP, which lets him stay aggressive for longer especially with healers, which means that Darryl’s lost purpose as a counterpick has been somewhat restored. But still I think Darryl’s most detrimental flaws have not been fixed yet. He has 2 very bad gadgets and 2 very bad star powers which gives him a significant disadvantage in comparison, and that makes him way too vulnerable against gadgets that knocks him back, and the long range meta isn’t exactly suited for him in comparison to other assassins. Overall, I think Darryl is secretly underrated, if he has a major buff to his star powers and gadgets however, I can see Darryl being a high tier

Bull Pin-Phew

36. Bull (-22)[]

I definitely think that I’ve overrated Bull last ranking, overall I think he’s not tanky enough for him to get reliable kill confirms just yet because of the fact he has to get close and personal and even though the tank trait allows him to pair his super well with Stomper, I feel like Bull has to take too much damage with his trait before he has a chance to deal with the sharpshooters. Bull is not a bad brawler for sure though, again like I mentioned with the kill confirm with stomper, and his T-Bone Injector Gadget makes him a huge threat in heist. I think Bull is very close to being such a big threat, if he gets his super quicker or becomes tankier, I could see him being such a terror to face against, especially he does pair well with healers thanks to his shield from Tough Guy.

Frank Pin-Neutral

35. Frank (-14)[]

Like Bull, I definitely overrated Frank last ranking, because he does still have too much delay with his main attack that it’s just hard for Frank to pose constant pressure. Frank is considerably more versatile than the other tanks I mentioned below however, he can deal decent damage at an ok range, and his super is a huge threat against the enemy team. Because of Frank’s superior range, he can actually win against other tanks in 3v3s and the fact that he has the highest HP makes it so that he’s pretty much invincible against healers. Frank’s general mechanics makes him a pretty solid choice in Brawl Ball, Siege and Hot Zone as he’s always the best tank to pair with Poco. He is pretty team comp specific though, as there are many matchups that are unwinnable without Poco, so I still think he’s only a mid tier brawler.

Jacky Pin-Neutral

34. Jacky (+8)[]

The most important thing is that Jacky now has a usable Super, which means that she’s no longer at a massive disadvantage comparing to other brawlers. Even though Jacky has received an undeserved emergency nerf, Jacky is still rising up a decent amount because of her new super. It was absolutely insane as her super can INSTANTLY pull her enemies into Counter Crush range and there was literally nothing enemies can do as Jacky and Counter Crush combined does too much damage, and her shield proved to be game breaking. Of course Jacky’s emergency nerf has lowered her HP and damage noticeably, and this makes it very risky for her to get close and her full potential was more limited. Jacky’s placement has been very unstable for a while now: Before the changes to her Super, I actually had her as the absolute worst brawler in the game, but thanks to the much better Super she has became so insane, arguably top 5. Sadly due to the emergency nerf however I believe Jacky is now more in line with the other tanks.

Bibi Pin-Neutral

33. Bibi (0)[]

Despite nerfs to El Primo who was her hardest counter, Bibi still hasn’t really made any significant impact in the meta for a while now, general consensus is that she’s good but she does have a fair share of flaws. Notably, Bibi’s poor range and attack delay makes it hard for her to constantly land shots despite her very fast movement speed to approach, and her knockback could potentially knock enemies out of her attack range. Like Frank, Bibi too vulnerable against knockbacks due to her attack delay and her super aside from an extra 1.1k burst damage is overall not very good. Bibi’s biggest strength is her durability and mobility, as it does improve her weakness being she has to get close to land shots and pairing with her Batting Stance Star Power she’s difficult to be taken out. Aside from that Bibi really doesn’t have much where she truly shines, but even still she’s a very well balanced brawler where she’s mainly a Siege specialist due to her strengths.

Meg Pin-Neutral

32. Meg (NEW)[]

Meg is the newest brawler added in the game. She was initially very intimidating but due to emergency nerfs she has been very vulnerable once she loses her mech. Meg’s base form is super underwhelming due to her very low damage and very low HP, even though she does have the range and movement speed, she can barely do anything at her base form. What made her so strong before her emergency nerf isn’t necessarily because her mech is broken (it’s still very strong tho), but how easy it is for her to get into her mech again once it gets destroyed, as she used to respawn with all 3 ammo, Meg can just immediately transform as soon as her mech gets destroyed. Now, Meg respawns without any ammo after her mech gets destroyed, so it means that she cannot immediately land all 3 ammo and get her mech back instantly. This is detrimental as it means that as soon as the mech is destroyed, Meg is pretty much useless, so she either has to retreat or gets killed. Her mech really isn’t that strong as it still gets outranged by Brock, Piper and Belle as well as her mech just isn’t durable enough due to the healing reduction and health decay. Overall Meg is honestly somewhat underwhelming for a legendary brawler, but even then Meg still has plenty of unexplored potential just yet

Nani Pin-Neutral

31. Nani (+9)[]

Everyone here knows that I never thought of Nani very highly at all, but I will admit that I may have underrated Nani a bit too much. Reason why i don't think Nani highly at all is that i don't see any reasons using her over other sharpshooters, but realistically, Nani is a decent counter against them. Her main attack is very hard to land but it's also unpredictable so Nani can greatly utilise the extended range of her main attack to do some serious plays, and Peep even after the nerf is still very destructive. Nani's usage raste is generally poor, but skilled players has shown that even with her nerfs, she can still dominate in bounty and can be used as a surprise counterpick to do well against other sharpshooters. To me Nani is not consistent enough for me but i now i've realised how much I've underrate her.

Gene Pin-Neutral

30. Gene (-28)[]

These days, people only really use Gene for his Magic Puffs Star Power. Magic Puffs is easily one of the best Star powers in the game as it’s like a moving Pam turret, offering tons of health in a short period where it could dramatically change interactions. Aside from that Gene really hasn’t been the same ever since his massive nerf to his damage, as it drastically worsen all his 1v1 interactions and it’s actually very hard for him to hold his own. Gene may still have his game changing Super, but it does take a while to charge up due to his slow reload speed, so before he gets the super Gene himself is somewhat mediocre even though Magic Puffs is such an amazing support, and because of the changes to his Lamp Blowout Gadget, it just means that Gene cannot get the emergency 600 HP healing when there’s no enemies up close, so overall Gene’s ranged combat is generally much worse. Gene just doesn’t pack the punch anymore, and he’s overall much more situational where you can’t just pull him off anymore and expect to dominate, but that’s not a bad thing, as Gene has been some of the best brawlers for a very long time due to his game changing super, magic puffs while still dealing high burst damage and good survivability.

Griff Pin-Happy

29. Griff (-8)[]

Griff is basically a much better version of Shelly and he has shown plenty of potential, with very impressive damage potential and one of the best supers in the game. So why isn’t he ranked higher? Honestly it’s really because of how boring of a brawler Griff is. He’s one of the least popular brawlers across the community due to how boring he is, mainly because his unload speed is a bit slow even with Keep the Change, and that even though Griff doesn’t have any other significant weaknesses, he doesn’t really have any defined strength outside of his massive damage potential, so he’s not very interesting and as such not as fun or as good as higher ranked brawlers. Nevertheless, Griff’s main attack and Super are decent for control with his decent range and chip damage, he’s fairly decent across all game modes, especially thanks to his Piggy Bank Gadget shifting up the map. I feel like it’s important that a brawler is fun to play as to be popular, and that’s where Griff failed. Even though Griff is overall pretty balanced, he could use a change. Not necessarily making him better, but at least making him much more fun.

Colt Pin-Happy

28. Colt (+10)[]

Even though Brock is the dominant sharpshooter, I’m convinced that Colt is one of the most underrated brawlers right now. Colt’s main attack is fairly inconsistent to land all 6 bullets, but he shines a lot for opening up the map with his super and Silver Bullet, especially when using his Magnum Special Star Power. He can open up the map where it becomes more favourable for him and other long range brawlers, making him pretty decent against brawlers who relies heavily on walls. Colt is mainly used in heist due to his wall breaks and high damage against the safe at a long range, but honestly I think he’s underrated in Brawl Ball and Siege where his attributes favours him. He is pretty bad against control and other sharpshooters tho due to how inconsistent his main attack is, and he’s overshadowed by Brock, which is why I can’t justify on placing him higher. He does have plenty of unexplored potential tho, so I honestly believe Colt is a high tier brawler rather than a mid tier.

Bea Pin-Happy

27. Bea (-11)[]

As a sharpshooter, Bea really is not that good, despite her massive damage potential with her supercharged shot, Bea only has 1 ammo and she has a lot of delay between shots comparing to other sharpshooters, alongside having a slow projectile speed. As such, she will lose against other sharpshooters such as Piper. That said, even though she’s mediocre as a sharpshooter, she has other hybrid roles and she does excel at other roles, and it’s all because if all the slows. Bea can use her super and Honey Molasses Gadget to slow down enemies which allows her to utilise her massive damage output and range much more effectively, where it became so easy to hit such a rewarding shot. She is one of the best tank counters because of it, and she does have a solid matchup against most medium range brawlers. She is very vulnerable against spam however due to her single shot nature and she does have low health, so she’s very vulnerable against not only other sharpshooters, but also any kind of spawners. Overall Bea is not as strong as a brawler as I thought, but still a solid brawler nevertheless.

Max Pin-Happy

26. Max (+1)[]

Max is the heart of some synergies where her speed can make brawlers like Emz and Jacky so much more dangerous, but comparing to other support, Max has been pretty balanced because she doesn't get her super that quickly anymore, she has to rely on her main attack to get her super quickly, and while it's still somewhat easy to get her supers, she just don't provide unlimited supers anymore. For a support brawler Max has decent DPS and because of how fast she is it's hard to hit her. What really limits her to be ranked higher is that Crow is still a prominent brawler and his slows can really ruin everything she has, so she is somewhat matchup dependent sometimes. Also these days Max feels a bit one sided, completely relying on Supercharged and Phase Shifter while Run n Gun and Sneaky Sneakers gets left in the dark. Since Max has received a damage nerf, i think Run n Gun should be buffed a bit because it has seen no usage. If it gets buffed this can allow Max to choose between either more supers or more consistent chip damage. I don't see many people talk about Max that often, but she's somewhat underrated these days.

Emz Pin-GG

25. Emz (-19)[]

How good Emz truly is in my mind has been going on a roller coaster ride. Last ranking i placed Emz very highly at number 6 because how well she fares against El Primo, but the thing is she's really only good against him so she's not gonna do much against anything else too well, which made me think she's as low as somewhere around 35th. Now however, I've recognise that Emz has had a decent amount of positive matchups against several higher ranked brawlers. She may not do well against sharpshooters but her lingering pierce shots enables her to do well against Spike, Sandy and even Ash with her super. Emz is a very solid hybrid brawler, whether if it's a tank counter, crowd control brawler or someone for area denial. Also Emz pairs extremely well with brawlers like Max, so in certain compositions there could be some arguments to see Emz even higher. Nevertheless, she's still dropping down quite a bit as back then she was extremely overrated in general.

Amber Pin-GG

24. Amber (-11)[]

Amber wasn't really ranked as highly as she was in the past, since the ammo change she wasn't really the same, and in this meta there are considerably more long range brawlers which outranges her, so sometimes she just feels a bit more vulnerable than she should have. Amber can really melt enemies in a short period of time, but once she used up all her ammo she's pretty much hopeless, which further adds to injury thanks to Pam's new gadget. But Amber can still provide excellent utility on controlling with her fire fluid, covering a decently large area and dealing massive damage to enemies that got set on fire. Amber's massive damage potential is definitely why she's insanely dominant in the past, so even though she does have more apparent flaws in this meta, thanks to her damage output i can't see her being placed too low.

Tick Pin-GG

23. Tick (+2)[]

Nothing has changed about Tick since last ranking, he's still one of the most annoying brawlers in the game, with massive area denial, a devastating super and Last Hurrah being insanely strong. I will say however that i do think Tick is considerably worse than Barley and Sprout, because his mines while offering massive area denial is just a bit slow, so he really is not as good as Barley and Sprout as a counterpick, which can a big deal. He's still a massive nuisance with his core mechanics where the area denial makes him ridiculous in everywhere especially Bounty. People REALLY hate Tick in general, even banning him on maps where he's garbage at in Power League, which just shows how much frustration he offers to the enemy team.

8-BIT Pin-GG

22. 8-BIT (+14)[]

8-BIT came back into the high tiers for 2 main reasons: Firstly, 8-BIT is such an excellent counter against Pam, where he can utilise his very long range, high damage and high HP to tank through Pam even if she sucked up all of 8-BIT's ammo, and secondly Byron is ridiculously powerful in this meta and 8-BIT has always been one of the best brawlers to pair up with him due to his super increasing damage which also affects Byron's healing. He's always excellent in Gem Grab and Heist due to his ridiculously powerful stats, and Plugged In fixing his issues regarding mobility. Before getting his turret however he's way too big of a target due to his abysmal mobility, and that does make him too vulnerable against some top brawlers. It does mean that 8-BIT relies too heavily on his turret so he could potentially be useless in some scenarios. In scenarios where he does work however, he can be very strong, though he's not going to be as threatening against healing debuffers as it limits healers to bring him back to enough HP.

Edgar Pin-Clap

21. Edgar (+25)[]

Even though Edgar is still a terribly designed brawler, he has made a significant jump between rankings, as Edgar has proven to be a very strong counterpick brawler. Thanks to the healing buff he received, he is considerably more durable which is what makes Edgar unviable in the past. Edgar is extremely powerful in Heist due to his quick pressure from his gadget and super, allowing him to dominate many popular heist brawlers like Barley and Rico, as well as his quick punch allows him to do a lot of DPS. He's still not exactly the best against multiple brawlers at once and he's still vulnerable against knockbacks, but the healing buff really improves a lot of severe weaknesses Edgar has. Edgar can really pick on weaker brawlers, rendering them useless. Even if enemies group up against him, he can rely on his teammates to seperate them, then he can truly thrive.

Colonel Ruffs Pin-Clap

20. Colonel Ruffs (-9)[]

As the best Colonel Ruffs player in this wiki, I believe Ruffs is still great. He isn’t exactly the best support brawler like he used to be because he seemed to be power crept. Colonel Ruffs still has his key strengths, being his game changing Super. For some brawlers such as Piper and Tick, his Super can be a huge game changer as it made them so much more dangerous and harder to be taken out. Due to his excellent synergy with sharpshooters, I believe Colonel Ruffs is secretly underrated, as his support potential works incredibly well in every game mode, combined with his impressive defensive utility from his sandbags countering many meta brawlers, i find it strange that Colonel Ruffs is not very popular overall. He is pretty hard to use tho due to his below average damage output and his main attack being quite weird, so I can see why not many people really like playing Ruffs. That is why as the best Ruffs in this wiki, I will be making a guide about him soon, hopefully making him more popular and improving your skills with him. All you need to know is that Colonel Ruffs is very underrated and deserves more recognition.

Pam Pin-Clap

19. Pam (+22)[]

For the past month, I’ve speculated that Pam could potentially be one of the best brawlers in the game. Unfortunately there’s too many Belle which limits Pam’s potential, and she still lacks the support utility that Poco and Byron has. Therefore, Pam will just settle on rising up 22 spots. What made Pam rise up significantly is that she’s a monster in 1v1 interactions, not only does she has long range chip damage and massive damage up close, she has her new Scrapsucker gadget which just consumes all of the enemies’ ammo, meaning they cannot attack Pam for a long time, and since Pam does massive damage, it just means that she’s going to win pretty much every 1v1 interaction. Due to her sheer power, she’s pretty decent across the board aside from Bounty. Pam really isn’t good at supporting however as her turret takes so long to get full value and her turret can be destroyed quite quickly. I feel like as soon as brawlers like Belle gets nerfed, Pam could be one of the best brawlers for sure

Barley Pin-Clap

18. Barley (+6)[]

Barley’s a very flexible brawler where he can use different combos with his gadgets and Star powers. It pairs very well with his kit as a area denial brawler as it makes it unpredictable if he’ll also be a powerful support or a deadly damage dealer. Being a thrower, Barley is a great counter against sharpshooters especially thanks to his area denial and unless enemies managed to get dangerously close to Barley, he always has an answer against many brawlers. He’s one of the best brawlers for Siege and Heist due to his damage and area denial, and he’s still pretty great in most other game modes. Due to heavily relying on walls however he is somewhat map specific as in some maps Barley is too vulnerable against aggro brawlers and even though Barley’s damage potential is strong, he does deal damage overtime so brawlers can get away from the puddle before they take too much damage. I think Barley right now outside of Siege and Heist is just outshined by Sprout due to his walls being much more frustrating to deal with than Barley’s powerful area denial, and his mechanics does make him a better counterpick. But overall, Barley’s very good, even without the extra range, he doesn't really have that much significant weakness aside from his vulnerability up close.

Poco Pin-Special

17. Poco (0)[]

Initially, i've ranked Poco a little bit lower, but immediately I've realised that Poco was involved in some of the most disgusting combos in this game. Poco Double Tank really isn't that good as the tanks are generally average at best. Where Poco truly shows his potential is with assassins, Poco's healing with his Super, Da Capo and Tuning Fork really helps assassins to dominate as unlike tanks where they have to rely on their high HP for pressure, the assassins can just fearlessly jump into action to decimate the enemy team without worrying on being defeated due to Poco's overwhelming heals. Poco is underwhelming in terms of 1v1 interactions but the fact that he can spam his attacks very quickly enables him to get his super fairly easily, which makes it so that Poco is one of the more frustrating brawlers to be taken out especially because he also have high HP. Even still, i don't really think Poco deserves to be ranked higher, as Byron is generally one of the best brawlers and he doesn't have the same weakness Poco has, it feels like Poco is generally used as a backup in case Byron is banned.

Tara Pin-Special

16. Tara (-8)[]

As long as Tara has her Support from Beyond Gadget, Tara would never drop out of the top tiers as this gadget really provide her the pressure. Tara's drop in rankings is due to the decline of the tanks as well as Sandy hard countering her shadows, and even though her shadows can eat up sharpshooter's ammo, it's not exactly easy for her to get close. Therefore Tara may somewhat struggle when the enemies opened up the map. Her shadows allow her to dominate the early game tho as the pressure her shadows offer can really push enemies back, allowing her team to gain control. This also makes it easier for her to get her super which is what she heavily relied on. Tara without her shadows and her super is pretty much useless as she doesn't have that much health and she doesn't do enough damage from a distance as deadly as it is up close, so that's why she may struggle in the late game, but her Super is such a game changer that it'll win the game if you land it at the most crucial moment.

Crow Pin-Thanks

15. Crow (-5)[]

Crow remained as one of the best hybrid brawlers in the game as all his debuff made his poison so lethal, 25% less damage with Extra Toxic, 40% Healing Reduction and the dreaded Slowing Toxin which still hasn't been nerfed for some reason. But even though his Slowing Toxin made it so that he pairs extremely well with sharpshooters and can work wonders in long ranged maps, he has 1 matchup that is pretty much unwinnable. Since that brawler is everywhere, it just feels like Crow's poison isn't completely unreactable anymore. Still, Crow being able to dramatically weaken enemies is such a big deal, considering Crow has a very fast movement speed and long range, it's very hard to avoid his attacks and get poisoned while not being able to defeat him that easily despite his low HP, making him one of the most annoying brawlers that is both loved and hated across the community.

Rico Pin-Thanks

14. Rico (-9)[]

Rico has lost his position as a top 5 brawler not because of his nerf, but the increased popularity of brawlers like Brock, Mortis and Edgar where they can either get rid of the walls that allowed Rico to dominate or just quickly assassinate him before he has a chance to heal. Either ways, despite his Bouncy Castle being nerfed, i really don't think it has directly impacted Rico's viability at all, as long as Rico can bounce his shots consistently, he's basically invincible for a short period of time. Therefore it's no longer necessary to use Robo Retreat as the temporary invincibility allows you to get more value with Super Bouncy, and when using Super Bouncy, Rico's main attack REALLY hurts. Even with the amount of wall breaks Rico's bounce shot is still excellent at blocking choke points so there are plenty of maps where he can near enough 1v3 from the bounce shots, extremely damaging super and his Bouncy Castle Gadget. Rico was previously mediocre due to his poor survivability and his new gadget really fixed all that problem.

Surge Pin-Special

13. Surge (-4)[]

I would be very surprised if Surge isn't ranked as a top tier brawler as his sheer mechanics and power is so overwhelming to many brawlers. When you think about it Surge's mechanics isn't exactly suited for most 3v3 game modes as he is so underwhelming at stage 1, terrible mobility, below average range and slow reload speed. However, his Gadget and Serve Ice Cold Star Power has completely changed Surge from a hopeless machine into such a terrifying destructor. Since Surge already does tons of burst damage, he can use his Gadget to instantly teleport to a weaker opponent and 3 taps them, getting his Super in the process. With Serve Ice Cold, he can just upgrade once and keep his significantly improved mobility, allowing him to catch up and dodge shots much more effectively. It is absolutely necessary to do what you can to get rid of Surge if he gets to Stage 3 or 4 as unless you have some shield or spawnables, Surge is pretty much uncounterable with the extra range along with his gadget, Super that can knock back enemies in the process of upgrading and how much damage he deals. Like i mentioned he isn't exactly the best at achieving the game mode's objective as phase 1 really hurts him and he will start to struggle once he used his gadgets, but he just destroys 80% of the top tier brawlers that it doesn't really matter in most game modes.

Sprout Pin-Thanks

12. Sprout (+11)[]

I'm pretty sure most of you are wondering why is Sprout ranked so much higher than Barley and Tick when they all functioned similarly. Even though Sprout's damage potential isn't as good as Barley and Tick, i just feel like on the right hands it's basically impossible to dodge Sprout's attack as it lingers for an unreasonable amount of time. Sprout's explosion radius is also very big, much bigger than you'd expect, especially in open maps with some walls where you use Overgrowth, Sprout basically gets a free hit every 5 seconds. Combined with his Super creating more walls and Transplant allowing him to immediately get another Super instantly, it's so frustrating to approach him if you're not an assassin. In other scenarios, Sprout is basically a mini tank with the most HP out of all throwers, Photosynthesis shielding him for 30% when he enters a bush and Garden Mulcher healing him a decent amount by consuming 1 tile of bush. Even though this is an assassin meta, Sprout has considerably more versatility than Barley and Tick, as well as his walls being a game changing support makes Sprout not only the best thrower, but also one of the most underrated brawlers in general. I used to hate Sprout because he is annoying, but he's been slowly growing towards me much more these days.

Piper Pin-Thanks

11. Piper (+7)[]

Well, well, well. Look how far Piper has come. Used to be one of the worst brawlers due to how map and mode specific she is back in beta days, Piper has became one of the strongest and most versatile brawlers right now. I mean she has been versatile for a while now but this is the perfect meta for Piper to truly thrive. I will say she's not as broken as some of her fellow sharpshooter due to her considerably higher learning curve and not being quite as rewarding, but in exchange, Piper not only counters her fellow sharpshooters, but DESTROYS them. This is because Piper deals more damage at a distance, and when she attacks at max range, she can 2 tap low HP brawlers including her fellow sharpshooters. Sure her shots are hard to land but with her Homemade Recipe Gadget, it's basically a free kill if you land 1 hit before it. Both Ambush and Snappy Snipping are insane Star Powers that greatly improves her already powerful attacks and Piper having such long range makes her force to be reckoned. Not just as a counterpick brawler, but also a skilled Piper is usually the one hard carrying her team. I was very tempted to put Piper as a top 10 brawler, that said comparing to her fellow sharpshooters she's absolutely awful if enemies does get close, so she really is not that good in close ranged maps, even still she has her Super to retreat and break walls to shift the map so that isn't too big of a deal.

Stu Pin-Special

10. Stu (-9)[]

I’m really thankful about this one, because I don’t really think that Stu is game breaking anymore. Sure he’s still insane, easily one of the best brawlers in the game, but at least he no longer truly defines the meta and it’s no longer necessary to immediately pick or ban him in power league anymore. I may have placed Stu lower than what you’d expect, not really because of his nerfs, but because Stu now has noticeably more hard counters such as Spike and Sandy, as well as he lacks the utility of some other brawlers above him, such as Leon for example. It’s way easier to counter Stu in comparison to before, and this marks the first time where Stu is not placed as the best brawler in the game. However I still think Stu is very strong overall, for an assassin brawler Stu's long range combat is exceptional with high damage, short cooldown between attacks and the fact that Stu gets his Super way too easily (Sure it's a unique mechanic but 1 hit?!), with 2 very strong gadgets and Gasoheal still being very good, Stu’s general mechanics prevents him from going anywhere lower than the top 10 unless there are much more hard counters to him. I should still feel a bit sick of him remaining in the top 10s but in all honestly, I'm actually fine with him nowadays. This is probably the most balanced he's ever been, which is saying a lot. Even though it's very clear that Stu still needs to be nerfed, i feel like he's only 1 or 2 nerfs away from being balanced and he is no longer at the top of the nerf priority.

Sandy Pin-Special

9. Sandy (-2)[]

Do i really need to about this one? We all know Sandy has always been one of the best brawlers in the game, whether if it's because he gets his super way too quickly in the past, or because of a game breaking stun from his Sweet Dreams Gadget nowadays. Sandy's Sweet Dreams Gadget will always be game breaking, since his shots are so easy to land. Even though Sandy doesn't do that much damage, he can just send enemies to sleep, wait to get his ammo back then destroy enemies with 3 more shots. It doesn't seem that bad on paper since he doesn't do that much damage but it's straight up unfair if he pairs it with his Super as you'll never know where on when he'll send you to sleep and the sandstorm makes him so unpredictable. Aside from pairing with the stun, Sandy's Sandstorm is also a game changer for his teammates as the 9 seconds invisibility is enough for him and his team to gain control. The only real weakness Sandy truly has is that his range is below average for a support brawler, meaning he may be vulnerable to being sniped by the sharpshooters or being assassinate by the assassins even if he has his Sweet Dreams Gadget. That's why i had Sandy as number 9 instead of any higher because there is a brawler that can achieve his purpose without suffering from below average range even if he doesn't have the game breaking stun, but we'll get to him later.

Mortis Pin-Thanks

8. Mortis (+22)[]

Mortis has received a rework a few months ago, and now it basically makes it so that Mortis gets to use BOTH of his Star Powers at once. This is very unfair for many brawlers as not only does Mortis keeps his long dash, he can also use Creepy Harvest along with it, and it makes a skilled Mortis literally invincible from all the healing he received, with his ability to chain supers, and when he defeats them Mortis can just stay in action for very long despite his below average damage output and slow reload speed because of Creepy Harvest. Seriously his healing is WAY too overwhelming, 1.5k healing per enemy with his super combined with 1.8k healing for every enemy he defeated?! That way Mortis can either choose to assassinate a single vulnerable target leaving them completely useless, or straight up jump into a bunch of enemies and be invincible from all the healing he received. Mortis can dominate in every single game mode except in heist, and he’s the definitely the 2nd best counterpick brawler in the game because of the healings. This is further exaggerated by the fact that Poco and Byron are insane and they give Mortis even more healing than he already had. He would be the best counterpick brawler, but the more I think about it the more I realise how broken the next brawler truly is.

Spike Pin-Thanks

7. Spike (+5)[]

Spike is just, oh my god. Spike is absolutely insane. His new gadget has really patched out all of his weakness that made him unviable in the past. Despite his slow reload speed, Spike has massive damage output at a long range, and that allows him to melt through many brawlers in seconds. His low HP doesn’t really matter anymore as his Life Plant gadget provides him a cover with 3.5k HP which is a TON of HP, especially for single target units. Enemies will have to get through his Plant before being able to shred through his low HP, and by the time they do manage to take out the plant, they would most likely be dead as Spike deals way too much damage. Spike can use it as a cover when he's badly damaged thanks to the extra 1000 HP healing it provides when the plant gets destroyed. It's so broken because not only can Spike stay alive for longer to deal massive damage, it also means that Spike can stay longer to get his Super, offering him even more crowd control than he already could with his Curveball Star Power. Speaking of Curveball, i still have no idea why it's even allowed to be a thing as it made Spike's attacks so much less predictable to the point it's considered to be unfair across the community. Spike is the reason why a lot of brawlers including Crow and Stu are not ranked higher, now that he doesn’t need to worry about dying too often, he is without question the best counterpick brawler in the game brawler due to all of his overwhelming traits. Not to mention the plant heals his teammates too, this really turned Spike into a hybrid of Sharpshooter, Support and a deadly close quarter brawler.

Buzz Pin-Special

6. Buzz (+9)[]

Buzz's true potential has been fully unleashed, now that most things that's holding him back is no longer a big issue for him anymore, Buzz became one of the most dominant brawlers in the game. What's holding Buzz back in the last meta is that El Primo, Gene and Stu completely hard counters Buzz due to their high damage and how easy it is for them to escape Buzz. Now that El Primo and Gene are no longer a threat, it just means that Buzz's kill confirm from the stun of his super became dramatically more reliable, in fact the fact that the stun is an AoE effect makes it possible for Buzz to stun all 3 enemies at once, basically meaning that he can 1v3 the enemy team very easily. Even though the stun may be unreliable at close range sometimes due to how short it lasts, at least for a short period enemies will be at point blank range for Buzz to land all 5 shots from 1 ammo. Oh, do i mention that his gadget even without the stun makes it so that Buzz can either keep the pressure against the enemy or can be used to gain control? Oh, do i mention with Eyes Sharp Buzz's trait can scan the entire map and get his super in the process? Oh, do i mention the fact that Buzz's HP is surprisingly high for an assassin? I think you all get the idea that Buzz is absolutely insane right now. But i still think he's somewhat underrated as he's not very popular in Power League, but alas it's true that Buzz does have noticeably more counters than the top 5 so people will immediately go for a counterpick when he's not picked last.

Belle Skin-Belle Goldhand

5. Belle (-2)[]

Realistically, I feel like any of the top 5 could be the best brawler, but I’m putting Belle at number 5 just because I’m sick of seeing her in the top 3. But yeah Belle, nothing has changed about her aside from a few noticeable interactions from her damage nerf, Belle still has some of the strongest mechanics in the game with the very annoying bounce shots and her incredible range. While some of the interactions were worsen from her damage nerf, she still does a good amount of damage from a long distance and her super allows her and her teammates to shred through everyone. Also Belle’s Nest Egg gadget is incredibly good at controlling from the slow, and her positive feedback star power really makes it hard for her to be 2 shot despite having low HP. I have no idea why Supercell refused to nerf Belle more heavily despite being one of the best brawlers for so long, and I’m really sick of her being this good. Like why is Belle allowed to be one of the best brawlers in the game since her release, while brawlers like Jacky gets emergency nerfed when she finally became very good but not exactly OP? It just feels unfair sometimes.

Ash Skin-Ninja

4. Ash (NEW)[]

When Ash was first released, it seemed that many people doesn't really have much expectations for him. It is understandable however since Ash's range is poor, he suffers from attack delay and before he gets his rage the damage he does is so underwhelming. Since he has to deal and take damage before he gets full enraged, it feels like Ash doesn't have enough survivability to fully utilise his rage. That is until people started to discover that healings (Aside from his Chill Pill gadget) does not lower his rage bar and people started to pair him with Byron. And that made everyone realise that Ash is a terror in the meta. And i mean it. In fact he is so strong when he gets paired with a Byron to the point where I would actually say he's BY FAR the best brawler in that scenario. With all the healing he received, Ash can fearlessly destroy the enemy with all the rage that it's so scary, not just because that he does 2.2k damage when he's fully enraged, but he also becomes very fast that it's impossible to run away from him with brawlers without very fast movement speed despite his poor range. If he's paired with a Byron, you just have to pray that you have a teammate that's using Bea, Byron with Malaise or Crow as Ash is uncounterable unless he gets slowed down or have healing reduction effects, even still Ash got his Super which may seem underwhelming but it builds up his rage and completely invalidates single shot brawlers, so the RATS has to be dealt with immediately. Since his Super can charge up Ash's rage bar, it makes a great synergy with his gadget when he needs emergency healing while his RATS quickly rebuilds his rage. Even without a healer Ash is very underrated as he can still offer tons of quick pressure from the synergy of his super and gadget, as well as how much of a threat he is when his rage is charged up, it's just that he becomes way more broken with a healer to the point he is by far the best. It's clear Ash is insanely broken as top players are straight up banning him and when he isn't he just dominates the game, but as broken as he is with a healer and still be extremely underrated without one, i feel like Ash isn't quite as versatile because enemies can at least react to him with a Bea or Crow where Ash would struggle due to his short range and being unable to catch up to them with the slows whereas the top 3 are offers way too much utility for their team, or just straight up uncounterable.

Brock Skin-Hot Rod

3. Brock (+32)[]

If anyone doesn't know, Brock has became my nemesis in this meta. I HATED the changes that Brock received. I understand Supercell is trying to make every sharpshooter unique, but in the process it just gets rid of what made Brock's skill cap and what made him fun in the past. What changed about Brock is that Brock's Rocket Fuel no longer does any extra damage, along with his own damage and main attack range being lowered. My initial impressions is that Brock wouldn't be viable as previously Brock is completely carried by how broken Rocket Fuel is. But even though the 3 nerfs he received seemed terrible for him, there is 1 buff for him that's absolutely game breaking, the explosion radius buff. Oh my god, even though Brock's main attack range was lowered, the explosion radius buff actual made his effective range MUCH better as he still has an effective range of 10 tiles, and the explosion range makes it so much easier for him to hit nearby enemies, in fact it's so ridiculous that Brock can hit through walls, which is intended btw. I can never dodge his shots consistently anymore, and it just gets rid of Brock's weakness of attack inconsistencies and slow reload speed. This additionally further improves the game changing ability Brock has as being easier to land shots means more Supers. Considering Brock already has Rocket Fuel, it means that he's going to break up the map way too often and completely shift the map in favour of the sharpshooters. Brock was already slowly becoming a high tier brawler, but ever since the unnecessary damage buff he received, he has been so broken, and even more so with the recent change that's supposed to make him more unique despite Rocket Fuel only being a wall break option. That said, as much as i despised Brock, i do believe Supercell did succeed in making Brock more unique comparing to other sharpshooters, and i appreciate supercell making brawlers more unique. I just think Brock needs a massive nerf, either to the damage he does, the amount of supers he get or just tone down the explosion radius. Brock has the biggest jump between my previous ranking, going from ranked 35th to the 3rd best brawler.

Byron Skin-Wizard

2. Byron (+26)[]

Byron is the heart of many combos, where he's absolutely vital in many combinations for a certain brawler to dominate. Most notably, Byron Ash is dominating the game. I believe that Byron is by far the most versatile brawler because of it, not only he makes Ash BY FAR the best brawler, the heals make it so that he allows his teammates to stay aggressive, even more so than Poco. Furthermore, Byron has very long range, as such he pairs well with both sharpshooters and tanks, plus he has one of the best supers in the game and Malaise which can really turn the tide against healer comps like himself and Poco. Not only that Byron is ultimate support in the game, he's also decent against many brawlers even though he doesn't have burst damage due to his range, his ability to stop enemies from healing and his super being so overtuned which has not been nerfed at all since release. Only real counter Byron has is anyone with healing reduction or Piper/ Sprout, even then Byron's gadget makes it so that those matchups are not impossible. Like i mentioned many times before, Byron is one of the best designed brawlers in the game due to his core mechanics being not only versatile, but also overtuned in comparison to the majority of the cast. A perfect nerf for him is that he should take longer to get his super, that way it's harder for him to not only make clutch plays, but also prevents him from drastically lowering enemies' healing as often when using Malaise.

Leon Skin-Werewolf

1. Leon (+28)[]

Ok I know there might be a bit of bias for this one, but for once, I’m proud to be biased. The best brawler in my opinion is Leon. Leon is absolutely bonkers right now, his new gadget really offers him the utility he needed to be this good. Leon’s lollipop turns his entire team invisible until the enemy destroys the lollipop. This is insane as Leon can place his lollipop behind a wall and the enemy will have a hard time destroying it unless the enemy has someone like a Brock. Even still Leon and his teammates can sneak up to anyone that attempts to destroy the lollipop. Comparing to Sandy, Leon does not suffer from lack of range which means that Leon can deal with long ranged brawlers much more effectively and he has amazing burst damage up close, with Invisiheal Leon can stay aggressive forever and can abuse the healing to stay under control and waste enemy ammo. Leon’s invisibility can also let him sneak up to enemies to assassinate them and make it easy for enemies to lose control. Leon is always the hard carrying brawler for his team where he can win every interactions and can be very unpredictable for the enemies. That said, even though i think Leon is the best brawler in the game (partly due to some bias), i do think Leon is completely reliant on his Lollipop Drop Gadget, and i do not believe that a brawler should be this good because of a gadget, so i think still needs some adjustments, may not be a desperate change but it'd be nice to see his base stats improving but his Lollipop Drop should have some form of decay. Either ways, for a while now Leon has not been ranked too highly, so as a Leon main, I'm proud to say Leon is the best brawler right now.

Thoughts about the meta[]

Look, I had enough of Belle. I cannot stand her making to the top 5 ever since she was released. It just feels unfair that she gets to stay on the sunlight forever whereas some brawlers like Jacky was emergency nerfed when she's finally solid. Additionally, like i mentioned, i really hate Brock right now.

On the bright side, Stu and Gene, the 2 brawlers i was most sick of last ranking were finally out of the top 5, and it feels like the meta has considerably more variety, like Piper, Mortis and Leon. It's also nice to see that Edgar is no longer one of the worst brawlers, but also not a toxic threat (I mean the players with him are toxic but in the meta he finally serves some purpose in 3v3s)
